For Pug Lovers Around The World

How m any PUG owners still feed their 2 year old and up 2 times a day?

QUESTION: How many PUG owners still feed their 2 year old and up 2 times a day?   I have a 2-year old PUG …

Is it a pug thing that they make a hocking sound like they are going to get sick?

QUESTION: Is it a pug thing that they make a hocking sound like they are going to get sick? This is the second pug …

What would be a good dog to pair with a Chinese Pug?
How can I get my pug to go potty in cold weather?
Can any Pug owners give me some insight?
Where in Australia can I find a tea cup pug or a runt pug?
I am getting a pug puppy what should I look for when buying from someone?
Pug people do you know if a the average pug can travel in the cabin of an airplane?
How do I teach my Pug to sit and my Weim to stop jumping?
Do pugs have gas problems?
What is the sign that your pug is a very good breed?
How big does a pug grow to be?
Caring For Your Pug’s Eyes
What is Better to buy another PUG or go to Quality breeder for breeding ?
What two dogs made the breed known as pugs?
How do you housebreak a pug puppy?
My pugs are breeding what do I need on hand to help when the puppies come?

Fighting Like Cats and Dogs? Nope…Not These Two!   We’ve all heard the saying, “They fight like cats and dogs…” But when it comes …


How To Get Rid of Fleas  – Natural Flea Remedy! I love to share things with my other pug friends that have made my …