For Pug Lovers Around The World

10 Interesting Facts About Pugs

10 Interesting Facts About Pugs

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Pugs have loyal dispositions and give their owners a lot of affection. They have a great sense of humor and like to show off and are well known as the clowns of the canine world. They are part of the American Kennel Clubs Toy group because they are compact and sturdy. The Pug flourishes on human companionship and they were specifically bred to be a lap dog.

1- History of the Pug Ancient China is where the breed originated. They were raised by monks in monasteries and with the dogs resting on the laps of emperors court was held. They traveled west along the silk road and among European royalty that included Queen Victoria the Duchess of Windsor and Josephine Bonaparte and became a treasured pet. Pugs have been an inspiration and a friend to the arts, witnessed history and have been to battle. In the 1700s William Hogarth the famous artist was very interested in black Pugs, and painted a self portrait The Painter and his Pug shows the painter and his Pug. A Pug saved the life of William Prince of Orange as the Spaniards were approaching in 1572 by giving him a warning. After the Civil War Pugs were introduced to the United States and in 1885 the American Kennel Club gave recognition to the breed. Pugs gained popularity in the beginning, but interest in them declined by the turn of the century. Breeding continued by only a few dedicated breeders and the breed once again became popular after a number of years. The American Kennel Club recognized the Pug Dog Club of America that was founded in 1931.

2- Health Pugs can get certain health conditions but for the most part they are healthy in general.

3- Personality Companionship is the main purpose that the Pugs were bred for. They love to sit in your lap, desire your affection and if they do not receive your complete devotion in return they become very unhappy. Pugs are content to be in your lap as you watch a movie or read a book, but they enjoy living it up acting comical, along with making their owner happy with silly antics and always loves to play. They are so much fun and they bring you a lot of joy.

4- Coat, Color and Grooming The Pugs has a coat that is smooth and short. Their color is black or fawn. They have two coats, the undercoat which is soft hair and this is the coat that causes them to shed a lot mostly during the summer, and the overcoat is course hair. To keep shedding down and the coat in good condition regular bathing and brushing is important.

5- Feeding Pugs loving their food comes in second after your attention. Their small stature combined with overeating could cause them to become obese. Feeding them good quality dog food in the right amount, keeping treats to a minimum and give them daily exercise will keep them healthy.

6- Care Pugs are an ideal companion for mature owners, because they are a quiet breed. They are slightly active indoors, small in size and are low maintenance and do well in apartments. Pugs need to stay out of the humidity and heat because they are very sensitive.

7- Size Male and Female Pugs are square and thickset and start at 14 pounds and should not be any more than 20 pounds. They are 10 to 14 inches at their shoulder.

8- Pugs Distinct Features Pugs cheeks have moles and are called Beauty Spots. Their mask or muzzle is black and on their forehead is a clearly defined thumb mark, and down the center of the back is a black trace. Pugs have black, velvety and smooth ears. Their lower teeth extend a little beyond their upper teeth, and their tail is curled tightly.

9- Wrinkles Pugs have a flat round face with deep wrinkles around big dark eyes. The Pugs face resembles a human fist, and therefore their name is considered to originate from the Latin word fist. The breeding of the Pug was mastered by the Chinese, and considered the wrinkles a resemblance to good luck symbols in their language therefore spelling the word Prince in Chinese.

10- Watch Dog It is known that Pugs are good watch dogs and good protection for the family. They get along well with children and other animals if they are trained.

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