For Pug Lovers Around The World

For anyone who owns a pug which is better male or female?

For anyone who owns a pug which is better male or female?

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pair_kissing2-smallQUESTION: For anyone who owns a pug which is better male or female?  I am getting a dog and have settled on a pug. Which is better a male or a female? I have always thought a female would be better for not marking inside the house etc. Which is easier to house train between the two? Thank you to everyone for their answers.

ANSWER: My friend has two and the girl is standoffish and the boy is a snuggle muffin … the sex of a pug is irrelevant when it comes to housebreaking … some  can NEVER be completely housebroken … of the four adult pugs i know 2 boys 2 girls none are housebroken and all are over 5 years of age … pugs are notorious for not being able to housebreak … and are you sure you want to deal with all that shedding ??? i have a terrier who sheds approximately the same size as the pugs and i do not find her hair coating my home … my friends two pugs stay with me when he goes on vacation and the fur is coating my entire apartment within a week … and they do not shed like a normal dog twice a year they shed 365 so get a good vacuum cleaner … i vacuumed after they had been in my apartment for two weeks and it filled the entire vacuum cleaner canister with their fur … i love the little dogs but i would never own a dog that sheds like that or i would be cleaning up their urine and poop in the house for years !!! they are cute but life is too short and life already has built in aggravations i would not buy an aggravation …

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