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What is a mix between an golden retriever and pug?

What is a mix between an golden retriever and pug?

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Pug-and-GoldenQUESTION: What is a mix between an golden retriever and pug? I like a pug and a golden retriever so I am wondering if there is a mix between the two.

ANSWER: Its not a golden pug. you should pay for one if you want that mix get one from the pound.Mixing the 2 is not a good idea. You can get one of each I have a pug and he is a great little guy.  There are mixes of the 2 you can find a mix of any 2 breeds but there are alot of health problems that can come along with them. Take all the health problems from a pug add all the health problems from a golden and thats what you could get. Of corse there is a change you can get one with no health problems but your best bet when buying a dog is to find a good breeder who tests there dogs for health problems and only breeds healthy dogs. people who breed mixes usualy do not do the healt testing and paying for one is not a good deal Your supporting bad stuff and your getting ripped off.

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