If a pug dog has a white patch on its chest does this mean it is not a purebred?
QUESTION: If a pug dog has a white patch on its chest does this mean it is not a purebred? I have heard that …

How can I get rid of her foul breath?
QUESTION: My Pug Jill has the most rotten disgusting breath! How can I get rid of her foul breath? My kids refuse to cuddle …

What are some overall experiences raising Pugs?
QUESTION: What are some overall experiences raising Pugs? I’m seriously considering buying a pug dog. They’ve been my favorite breed for a long time …

What can you put on a pug to get it to stop itching?
QUESTION: What can you put on a pug to get it to stop itching? My pug has been itching constantly. She’s scratched her belly …

How many people have breed pug and the mother pug dies?
QUESTION: How many people have breed pug and the mother pug dies? I was watching a show yesterday and someone bred there pug and …

What’s the best kind of couch to buy if you have two messy pugs?
QUESTION: What’s the best kind of couch to buy if you have two messy pugs? I was looking at the leather Kramfors at Ikea …

How Do I Get My 1 and a half year old pug to stop biting?
QUESTION: How Do I Get My 1 and a half year old pug to stop biting? Well I tried all the advice and nothing …

How to get my 5yr old Pug to let me clip her nails..she hates the Groomers ?
QUESTION: How to get my 5yr old Pug to let me clip her nails..she hates the Groomers ? My Pug does not mind me …

How big should a female black 6mo old pug be?
QUESTION: How big should a female black 6mo old pug be? I have a black 6mo old pug and she has the pug face …

How do I know if my pugs giving birth?
QUESTION: How do I know if my pugs giving birth? My pug is pregnant with 5 puppies. She’s just started her due date and …

How to honor the loss of my beloved pug?
QUESTION: How to honor the loss of my beloved pug? I have written before on different things my pug was going through. Sadly he …

Would a pug make a good apartment pet?
QUESTION: Would a pug make a good apartment pet? I was also looking at beagles? Please help i dont know what to do? I …

How do you end a war between a pug pup and a male adult boxer?
QUESTION: How do you end a war between a pug pup and a male adult boxer? We now have three dogs: two boxers one …

How much should a 6 month old Pug weigh?
QUESTION: How much should a 6 month old Pug weigh? I feel like my Pug isn’t as big as she should be. She is …

What Are Good Names For A Pug Or German Shepard?
QUESTION: What Are Good Names For A Pug Or German Shepard? I’m getting either a pug or german shepard in a little while and …

Where can I get puppy pug for free or not expensive?
QUESTION: Where can I get puppy pug for free or not expensive? Hi there. I adore pugs and would like to get one. Could …

How will my pug handle surgery?
QUESTION: How will my pug handle surgery? My 4yr old pug is suffering from luxation patella. She went in for surgery today and I …

Why does my 2 year old Pug chew on my fingers?
QUESTION: Why does my 2 year old Pug chew on my fingers? Hey everyone!I have a 2 year old pug and 2 other ones …

How can i find a pug that will stay small through its adult years?
QUESTION: How can i find a pug that will stay small through its adult years? I want a pug dog badly but i want …

How much and how often should I feed my pug?
QUESTION: How much and how often should I feed my pug? I just bought a Pug from a friend who had to move away. …
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