For Pug Lovers Around The World

Besties Pug and Cat Travel Together

Besties Pug and Cat Travel Together

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Fighting Like Cats and Dogs?

Nope…Not These Two!


We’ve all heard the saying, “They fight like cats and dogs…”

But when it comes to these two furry besties, they are proof that even those considered to be lifelong foes can definitely become lifelong friends.


Meet Luigi, the cat, and Bandito, the pug.  The cat and pug duo are traveling along with their owners for thousands of miles!

The two friends have been exploring the world together, and getting along famously during their expedition.

Who knew that a cat and a dog could get along like true brothers for days on end.  Their story is inspiring, not just for pets, but for peeps as well!

I know a lot families that can’t get their kids to stop arguing on a one hour road trip, let alone for days on end, trekking by foot!  These two can certainly show them a thing or two about getting along!

The adorable best friends regularly go exploring with their family and have covered thousands of miles on their whirlwind expeditions. Read more…

Their owners, Sebastian, 32, from the UK and partner Finn, 27, from Norway originally decided to see how the pets would do together on a road trip.

They may fight like cat and dog, but adventurous brothers Luigi the cat and Bandito the pug share a love of the great outdoors as they travel around with their owners Sebastian and Finn

They set out on their trek to try out a new Doggie Stroller:

Owners Sebastian, 32, from the UK and partner Finn, 27, from Norway originally decided to see how the pets fared on the road after they splashed out on a special doggy stroller, made by design company Dutch Dog Read more…

They are the first pug and cat to walk the long Camino de Santiago route!

These two have been on a truly incredible their journey!  Among their achievements, the duo have travelled Camino de Santiago in Spain which is approximately 497 miles long, with their owners. Yes, that’s 497 miles, and if you’re a pug owner, you know how much work that is for a pug.  They’re so sleepy, it’s a good thing they had the stroller the with them!


Read More at Daily Mail UK Read more…


Do you take your pug or other pet on trips with you?  If so tell us a bit about your adventures below, and include some pics, we love to see and share them!


Lotsa Love!

Pug Pug Pug


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