For Pug Lovers Around The World

Can any Pug owners give me some insight?

Can any Pug owners give me some insight?

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fbcd2dfdd7d9126e9386cbf1b7d5feccQUESTION: Can any Pug owners give me some insight? My husband and I have been wanting to get a Pug forever. I would love to know everything there is about Pugs.

ANSWER: They are the sweetest dogs you can ever imagine. But they have extreme health problems.  You need to think about this before you choose one. I’m going to get tons of thumbs down but honestly I would go for a puggle.  Healthier yet still has the sweetness.  A bit larger less expensive usually less than $100 few if any health issues. The beagle mix just makes the little dogs healthier without hurting the sweetness.

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