For Pug Lovers Around The World

Can pugs dog breed ever be trained?

Can pugs dog breed ever be trained?

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Q: Can pugs dog breed ever be trained? I have a 9 week old and he is obsessed with peoples feet? Also  it is also like pugs have a built in suicide gene  whenever they can find a dangerous opportunity to try to kill themselves they will.  whether it is chewing through electrical wires diving into people when they have hot drinks in their hands.How the hell do you train a pug to any extent?Stalkers are Cowards and thieves  you are a pathetic joke.  I will be asking for further advice in the future here and you will be blocked from answering any of them.

A: Yes Pugs can be trained but yours is only a baby puppy.  You can teach him to come when you call him and teach him to sit.Book him into puppy classes so you learn how to train him.Please ignore the advice given by Serena.  Only dog abusers would hit a puppy with a newspaper or anything else.  Also yelling at a dog will only frighten it.  There is no need to yell dogs have acute hearing.You don’ want your puppy to fear you.  You need him to trust you.


  • Londa Craven says:

    My pug keeps getting sick, I have been taking her to the vet and she has trouble with her blood clotting so she is on vitamin K again. The first time she was vomiting and pooping runny blood. She started pooping a little blood again and I did not want to take a chance so took her back in. She had more blood work done and is back on Vitamin K . The also found her white blood count is really high. It can be a handful of stuff including a tumor on her pancreas, her being diobetic, or even cancer. As much as I love my Pug, I have spent over $600.00 on her and I am on disability. The vet does not take payments and because of bad credit I do not qualify for pet insurance or anything in that effect. If she does not get better by the middle of the week, he wants to do more blood work which has to be sent to a special lab that is in a different city than I live in and will take about a week to get back and is expensive. And if its not showing much and she gets worse he wants her to go to a intesive Vet care in Boise to get an MRI and more tests done which can run up to $3000.00 and that does not include us going up there to be close to her and stay in a motel and gas and eat. I just do not know what to do at this point. I also wonder if this could be going on because of the people we got her from inbreed their pugs so often. Or if anyone else has had these kind of problems and found a cure for them? I am at witts end at this point and do not want to loose my beloved Buffy. She is only a year and a half.Please advise….

  • Londa Craven says:

    I just lost my pug on Tuesday, she was only one and a half and the sweetest thing in the world, she would not always mind, who does? Would an adult want hit with a newspaper every time they did something wrong? And as an adult do we like yelled at when we do something WRONG? NO, this made me mad when you said someone had said to hit them with a newspaper and or yell at them. This person needs their dog well all their animals taken away from them if this is the way they treat them. I would do anything in the world to have my baby back. She was way to young to be taken to doggy heaven. I could go on, on how this upsets me. But just like anything else in order to have your dog do as you want, it takes time and patience.

  • Nanaof6 says:

    I own 2 pugs. They are my best pals. The oldest, age 2 years, is a male and very laid back. He does anything I ask of him. He decides to be stubborn once in a while but I see it as cute. If I call him, sometimes he will sta d there and look at me just waiting for me to call him a 2nd time. Then he comes. The other pug, 1 yr. old, is much more stubborn. She lets the entire household know that she wants to be the leader of our pack. It is also comical to me because I always make sure to follow through with her doing as I tell her so she doesn’t become alpha dog. She is trainable and comes when called and sits when told, etc. but yes she is stubborn.

  • My three year old pug hates to get her feet wet, so if it has rained will only pee and poop on the carpet. Help!

  • Shawn Hazuga says:

    Well this is just me. But my Lil buddy “Ottie” has me trained . I know its not the right way and not to the dogs benifit. But it works for me. I get joked by friends and family all the time about hpw he runs me. Iam a 6’1 240 pound man , and this Lil guy has me inline . lol

  • Lealani says:

    Hello,our Frankie pug does the exact same thing.As he goes to the bathroom. He circles to find his spot.Then jst throws the peepads arnd and finally tkes a #2.

  • Sandy says:

    Pugs are not trainable…it’s a good thing that their humans are!! 🙂

  • Sandy says:

    Pugs can be very trainable with consistence and patients. As far as pottying outside when it’s very cold or snowy, I think that it’s easier on everyone if a spot is provided for them to go inside,especially the females. I, for one, would not like to piddle in the snow. I have 4 boys and they don’t seem to mind going outside even in the WY winters but my poor little girl hates it so I try to provide her with an alternative and that seems to make her very happy. She goes right back to going out w/ the boys as soon as it warms up.

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