For Pug Lovers Around The World

Can pugs dog breed ever be trained? I have a 9 week old and he is obsessed with peoples feet?

Can pugs dog breed ever be trained? I have a 9 week old and he is obsessed with peoples feet?

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spanky_pug04.jpg_w450QUESTION: Can pugs dog breed ever be trained? I have a 9 week old and he is obsessed with peoples feet? Also  it is also like pugs have a built in suicide gene  whenever they cann find a dangerous opportunity to try to kill themselves they will.  whether it is chewing through electrical wires  diving into people when they have hot drinks in their hands.How the hell do you train a pug to any extent?Stalkers are Cowards and theives  you are a pathetic joke.  I will be asking for further advice in the future here and you will be blocked from answering any of them.

ANSWER: Yes Pugs can be trained but yours is only a baby puppy.  You can teach him to come when you call him and teach him to sit. Book him into puppy classes so you learn how to train him. Please ignore the advice given by Serena.  Only dog abusers would hit a puppy with a newspaper or anything else.  Also yelling at a dog will only frighten it.  There is no need to yell dogs have acute hearing.You don’t want your puppy to fear you.  You need him to trust you.

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