For Pug Lovers Around The World

Archive by Category "Pug Photos" (Page 2)

Pug Photos




What is the sign that your pug is a very good breed?

QUESTION: What is the sign that your pug is a very good breed?  I just wanted to know how good breed my pug is. …

What are the causes of Pug dogs having spotty hair loss?

QUESTION:  What are the causes of Pug dogs having spotty hair loss? I know that Pugs are not supposed to live outside but we …

Are their any health problems that pugs are prone to?

QUESTION:  Are their any health problems that pugs are prone to? Usually certain dog breeds are prone to certain types of health problems like …

Is it ethical to buy a puppy pug and what are the best crosses?

QUESTION: Is it ethical to buy a puppy pug and what are the best crosses? My partner and I are quite fond of their …

What’s the difference between the Chinese pug and pug?

QUESTION: What’s the difference between the Chinese pug and pug? Because I’ve heard people talk about Chinese pugs and pugs but is there a …