Why do pugs lower their heads when you go to pet them?
QUESTION: My pug just turned two and I’ve had her ever since she was eight weeks old. She is very sweet and LOVES to give …

Is it a pug thing that they make a hocking sound like they are going to get sick?
QUESTION: Is it a pug thing that they make a hocking sound like they are going to get sick? This is the second pug …

How do I make my pug stop biting?
QUESTION: How do I make my pug stop biting? I have a 5 year old pug that bites. She does not bite me normally …

Where should i go to find a pug puppy in my area?
QUESTION: Where should i go to find a pug puppy in my area? I am interested in a pure bred pug puppy for my …

How to introduce a new yorkie to my pug?
QUESTION: How to introduce a new yorkie to my pug? I’m about to get a Yorkie this month it’s about 7 months old. …

Where is the best place to get a Pug Puppy?
QUESTION: Where is the best place to get a Pug Puppy? I’m Looking to get a pug but the pet store charges a ridiculous …

How much are pugs?
QUESTION: How much are pugs? tell me everything you know about pugs? i really want a pug and I just want to know how …

How do I keep a pug dog warm in cold weather?
QUESTION: How do I keep a pug dog warm in cold weather? We just moved to N> Carolina from California and our pug is …

Is there a Pug mixed breed that doesn’t shed?
QUESTION: I love everything about pugs. They’re cute wrinkly and adorable. However they shed quite a bit. Is there such a breed of a …

How much does and average pug cost in supplies?
QUESTION: How much does and average pug cost in supplies? I might be getting a pug soon. I’m not concerned about buying a pug …

How could I convince mo mom to get me a pug?
QUESTION: How could i convince mo mom to get me a pug? My aunt’s pugs are going to have babies and pugs are …

What to do about a pug noisy dog that is a year old?
QUESTION: What to do about a pug noisy dog that is a year old? My pug noisy dog that is happier what can i …

If a pug dog has a white patch on its chest does this mean it is not a purebred?
QUESTION: If a pug dog has a white patch on its chest does this mean it is not a purebred? I have heard that …

How can I get rid of her foul breath?
QUESTION: My Pug Jill has the most rotten disgusting breath! How can I get rid of her foul breath? My kids refuse to cuddle …

What are some overall experiences raising Pugs?
QUESTION: What are some overall experiences raising Pugs? I’m seriously considering buying a pug dog. They’ve been my favorite breed for a long time …

What can you put on a pug to get it to stop itching?
QUESTION: What can you put on a pug to get it to stop itching? My pug has been itching constantly. She’s scratched her belly …

How many people have breed pug and the mother pug dies?
QUESTION: How many people have breed pug and the mother pug dies? I was watching a show yesterday and someone bred there pug and …

What’s the best kind of couch to buy if you have two messy pugs?
QUESTION: What’s the best kind of couch to buy if you have two messy pugs? I was looking at the leather Kramfors at Ikea …

How Do I Get My 1 and a half year old pug to stop biting?
QUESTION: How Do I Get My 1 and a half year old pug to stop biting? Well I tried all the advice and nothing …

How to get my 5yr old Pug to let me clip her nails..she hates the Groomers ?
QUESTION: How to get my 5yr old Pug to let me clip her nails..she hates the Groomers ? My Pug does not mind me …
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