For Pug Lovers Around The World

Do all pugs breathe very loud when sleeping and awake?

Do all pugs breathe very loud when sleeping and awake?

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imagesQUESTION: Do all pugs breathe very loud when sleeping and awake? My baby pug Boozer breathes really loud when he is sleeping. His stomach moves up and down ALOT and it looks like hes uncomfortable. Our house temperature is currently 81 Degrees and I’m hoping this is just a normal things pug puppies do.

ANSWER: Yes.  Pugs are brachycephalic dogs…meaning their noses are pushed in.  This restricts the amount of air they can breath in vs a dog with a normal snout.  To further add to this problem most of the brachycephalic breeds also have narrower air passages…from narrower nostrils to a narrower trachea and passageways in their lungs.  At 81 degrees he may be uncomfortable.  The narrow airways of many brachycephalic breeds makes them less tolerant of heat than other dogs which is why they do not generally do well as ‘outside dogs.’

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