For Pug Lovers Around The World

How can i find a pug that will stay small through its adult years?

How can i find a pug that will stay small through its adult years?

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1380127_596567310406695_2059581137_nQUESTION: How can i find a pug that will stay small through its adult years?  I want a pug dog badly but i want to know how i can find a pug which will stay at a medium size when it reaches its adult years. Thank You.

 ANSWER: Oh I am so happy that you want a Pug.  They are wonderful dogs that act like little people.  I have one that is 4 yrs old and is just so fun.  When he sits on our couch he sits like a human.  It is so funny!  He is considered a Chinese Pug and is a little bigger than the average Pug.  So I suggest that if you want a Pug go to a breeder NOT A PET STORE.  When you go look at the parents of the puppy.  If they are the size that you are looking for most likely the puppy will remain the same size.Another thing: I have read that where Pugs do shed a lot pick one that accents your lifestyle.  If you have a lot of lighter furniture choose a silver fawn or apricot fawn my fav.  If you have a lot of darker furniture maybe a black Pug will do.

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