For Pug Lovers Around The World

How can I help comfort my pug with a yeast infection in the ear?

How can I help comfort my pug with a yeast infection in the ear?

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pug_02_lgQUESTION:  How can I help comfort my pug with a yeast infection in the ear? I took my pug to the vet about a month ago with brown wax in her ears. The vet examined the wax and determined it was yeast. He gave me an ear cleaning solution for her. I have been using it ever since and the left ear seems to be getting better but the right has now become swollen. She definitely seems uncomfortable and I cannot get her back into the vet for another week. Is there anything else I can do to help ease her discomfort until I get her seen?

ANSWER: If your dog has an ear infection nothing but medication from the vet is going to help … and it would be very easy for that ear infection to spread and so close to the brain i personally would not wait a week to get it looked at … my dog can start shaking her head in the morning signalling an ear infection and when i apply the medication from the vet she has comfort within half an hour … once i waited just two days and the infection had taken over and required at least three times the amount of medication to fix not to mention the discomfort to my poor dog … and if your dog does get chronic yeasty ears you might consider adding organic unpasteurized apple cider vinegar with mothers to the dogs diet not heinz from the grocery store … 1/4 teaspoon on both the breakfast and supper food and it will change your dogs body chemistry to more acidic and the dog will not get yeasty ears … i have had my dog on apple cider vinegar for over a year with not one ear issue … and my friend has a pug with yeasty ears and i looked after him for six weeks giving him apple cider vinegar and his ears cleared up my friend was shocked cuz the dog had had funky ears for life …

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