For Pug Lovers Around The World

How can I keep my pugs hydrated in extreme heat?

How can I keep my pugs hydrated in extreme heat?

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1011411_589185844466905_1115527090_nQUESTION: How can I keep my pugs hydrated in extreme heat? I have 2 pugs.  Both approx 1 1/2 yrs. old.  They are accustomed to central air conditioning.  We’ve recently moved and only the bedroom has a/c which is where they stay when we aren’t home.  This week the heat is extreme and they are panting constantly.  Pugs have a reputation for not being able to stand the heat.  Knowing this how can I get them to drink more water than they normally do?  I am keeping there potty trips outside as short as possible.  Any suggestions would be great!  I feel so bad because they seem so hot.  It’s mostly early evening that the heat seems to really get to them.

ANSWER: Buy fans for the other rooms and keep their bowls filled with water and some ice cubes.    Yes their little noses just aren’t good for hot weather.   There are bandana like items that you put around their necks to cool them down when outside.  I think you keep them in the freezer.    Also I would get a kiddie pool and let them splash around. There’s this mat called Canine Cooler that you can keep in the house and they might like that check the internet.

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