For Pug Lovers Around The World

How come pugs get pimple like things?

How come pugs get pimple like things?

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Q: How come pugs get pimple like things? My dog has these bumps all over his head and face it’s real weird the vet said that its normal for pugs but I wonder if it’s true.

A: What kind of food and water bowls do you use? The only type of bowls that don’t cause pimples on pugs is stainless steel. Plastic and ceramic bowls cause pugs to get pimples. If you use these switch to stainless steel and you will see their faces clear up.  Also you need to clean their faces with non-scented baby wipes at least every other day.

One Comment

  • cd says:

    plastic bowls hold bacteria that causes pimples, glass or metal bowls are the better to use, but they also need cleaned frequently until their face clears I usually clean the bowl with hot soapy water and rinse well when I change the water.

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