For Pug Lovers Around The World

How do I get a new kitten from chasing my pugs?

How do I get a new kitten from chasing my pugs?

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Fawn Pug pup, 8 weeks old, and Birman-cross kittenQUESTION: How do I get a new kitten from chasing my pugs?     I just got a new kitten because I need a mouser but this cat is now chasing my dogs around the house and smacking them.  What can I do so my pugs are not so scared?  They are hiding in their cage or both sitting on my lap.  The cat is fearless but my pugs are very scared what is the best way to ensure my dogs can move around the house without getting chased?  Thanks in advance.

ANSWER: Kittens are just naturally playful so I say leave them alone and let them handle their own affairs. The kitty doesn’t mean them any real harm. He just wants to play. The dogs are NOT scared they’re smart enough to realize they could easily beat up on kitty but choose to tolerate his youth. If the dogs get fed up with it they will eventually snap at kitty and put an end to it. RELAX.

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