For Pug Lovers Around The World

How do I teach my Pug to play?

How do I teach my Pug to play?

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slideshow_1002039305_PugSleddingQUESTION: How do I teach my Pug to play? I recently bought a 2-year-old pug from a shelter. She lived a box for most of her life before she was rescued by the shelter and does not know what toys and treats are for. Ball type toy scare her and although she seems to like chewing things she just sniffs chew toys and walks away. She does the same thing with treats even when they are put in her food bowl. How can I teach her to play?

ANSWER: When was ‘recently’? Give her a week or two to just figure out that she is safe and you are good. Offer loves but don’t push it. Wait for her to come to you. Pugs are really resilient – she’ll be fine. My girl is a retired breeder that I got at 8 years old and I wondered if she’s ever come around. She did and she is amazing. Good luck and congratulations!

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