For Pug Lovers Around The World

How do I teach my Pug to sit and my Weim to stop jumping?

How do I teach my Pug to sit and my Weim to stop jumping?

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RR-02905QUESTION: How do I teach my Pug to sit and my Weim to stop jumping? Our 8 month old Pug is completely untrained not from lack of trying and our 18 month old Weim has had a lot of expensive training but only uses it when he feels like it. I’d love for my Pug to be able to sit on command and my Weim to stop jumping on guests. Is this possible?Both are non-agressive sweet natured dogs.Next step: No more chewing shoes! Teach the the Weim not to play rough with the Pug!

ANSWER: Hold the treat in front of the pugs nose a without letting him eat it. He can nibble pull back so that his feet stays on the ground at all times. It might take awhile for him to get it and he will go theough a dumb stage were he will forget but it will come back to him. And when you Weim jumps up on you quickley turn to your side and knock into him and if your haveing that problem with people come over see if you can have someone come over and so that when if jumps on them and make sure when you knock him you tell him no. When if finally starts to get it give him lots of praise and treats in a happy voice.

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