For Pug Lovers Around The World

How do you end a war between a pug pup and a male adult boxer?

How do you end a war between a pug pup and a male adult boxer?

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tumblr_m18jg7dMK81qbiuveo1_500QUESTION: How do you end a war between a pug pup and a male adult boxer? We now have three dogs: two boxers one male one female and we just got a male pug pup today. The male boxer is a year younger than the female and he has been the baby of the house for quite a while until today. needless to say he is being a big diva. he’s jealous that the pug is getting nonstop attention and he has barked at him. plus he tried to attack him twice. our female is used to it and she’s basically cool and acceptant of the whole thing. i don’t want my mom to gert rd of him and i want them to quit fighting and get along. is there any advice anyone could give? resources would also be helpful! thank you!

ANSWER: Its normal its only cuz its a male dog..if the boxer isn’t neutered he needs to be and so does the pug..that will stop some of the alpha dog behavior..but the boxer needs to be taught that he is not in charge your family is..but mostly don’t focus all the attention on the pug he might be new and cute but you’ll create your own little diva in him if you keep doing its only the first day..its gonna take a couple weeks for everyone to get used to each other. when i brought my puppy home the first day the dog i was fostering wouldn’t leave him alone. it took about 3 days for him to calm down to where they could play together..if you have to let them sniff each other its ok i doubt they are actually fighting..just keep an eye on them at first. but first and fore most they needs to be dominance in the house set by the people dogs need to know who is in charge.

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