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How do you get a pug puppy to quit biting?

How do you get a pug puppy to quit biting?

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QUESTION: 1424529_633146463415446_541618734_n I have a pug puppy that is 9 weeks old and he bites alot. I have had people tell me to give him a little flick when he bites or blow in his face when he starts biting but I just dont think those ways are very nice. Is there anything else that will work?

ANSWER: I have a 5 month old pug and had another pug for 16 yrs that recently passed. My suggestion is when he bits to right then say ‘no’ in a loud tone. Not screaming but in a very stern voice to let him know that is not right. Then right after he bites I would give him a chew toy or a bone something he can chew on so he know what is right to bite and what is not. Cause dogs can’t associate the difference… so you gotta teach them the difference. But your puppy is only 9 weeks old so please give it time. It is still very young and with pugs they are a stubborn breed in gen but with patience and correcting him when he does something he shouldn’t eventually the dog will stop. Good luck and enjoy your puppy!

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