For Pug Lovers Around The World

How easy are Pugs to look after and does anyone know any reputable sellers in Scotland?

How easy are Pugs to look after and does anyone know any reputable sellers in Scotland?

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l-Bucket-Full-of-PugsQUESTION: How easy are Pugs to look after and does anyone know any reputable sellers in Scotland? I am really wanting a Pug dog and I would like some more information from current owners on the looking after of the dogs etc.  I am also looking for a reputable seller in Scotland to purchase one from.

ANSWER: pugs are very sweet if you love on them. i have 2 pugs. they have very bad breathing problems and have asthma. you need to watch after them at all times… they are not able to be outside all hours of the day. only long enough to use the restroom and maybe to play for about 10 15 min but after that they need to come in cause they will get really hot and start having breathing problems. they require alot of things but are very fun to have.

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