For Pug Lovers Around The World

How much for a pug and what do i need to know?

How much for a pug and what do i need to know?

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Cachorro-Pug-11QUESTION: How much for a pug and what do i need to know? How much is it to buy a pug. And what do i need to know about them. Because i want to buy a girl pug. But we already have 2 bichon shi-tzu’s and 3 dometic cats.

ANSWER: I have a male Pug he cost about $900 if I am remembering correctly.  Females are almost always more than males by $50 or better.Some info:In general they shed alot.Their sensitive to human voices so harsh scolding is not a good idea.Their ‘the comedians of the dog world’.While Pugs usually get along well with other dogs and pets they generally prefer the company of humans and require a great deal of human attention; they may become slightly anxious or agitated if their owner ignores them or does not play with them.HealthAre suspectible to eye injury because of their faces and its common to hear of Pugs eyes actually coming out.Because of their wrinkles and face breathing is more difficult and do not fair well in hot weather.The creases on their face need special care and regular cleaning to prevent infections.

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