For Pug Lovers Around The World

Is it a pug thing that they make a hocking sound like they are going to get sick?

Is it a pug thing that they make a hocking sound like they are going to get sick?

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tumblr_mokrmfEB5U1qjxvn6o1_500QUESTION: Is it a pug thing that they make a hocking sound like they are going to get sick? This is the second pug that I have had and he does the same thing as my female pug did.Sometimes they get sick and sometimes they don’t.I just wasn’t sure if this was common in pugs.I know the licking is.Thanks to all for the help!

ANSWER: Short snouted breeds tend to snort and snore – including Pugs.  However hacking could be kennel cough tracheal collapse or heart disease.  I would talk to your vet.I had a Min Pin that would hack.  It turned out she had an enlarged heart.

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