For Pug Lovers Around The World

Is it ok to take my pug for walks in hot weather?

Is it ok to take my pug for walks in hot weather?

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panda-pug-pugs-2063513019QUESTION:  Is it ok to take my pug for walks in hot weather? I have a 3 year old female pug.  When its hot she starts panting really hard and wheezing and norting.  I’ve read that hot weather is bad for pugs because they have a hard time breating and thats basically how they cool themselves.So should I not walk her when its hot out?Sandra theres no reason to be rude.  Just because I heard that heat was bad for pugs doesn’t necessarily mean it was true.  I was asking for a second opinion not snide comments.

ANSWER: Pugs as well as all brachycephalic breedsshort nosed breeds do have trouble cooling as efficiently as dogs with longer muzzles. I would keep her walks to a minimum during the hot parts of the day only taking her out to do her business and save the walks and playtime for early in the morning or later in the evening after it has cooled down a bit. Brian

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