For Pug Lovers Around The World

My 4 year old pug has can only breath with her head up is this most likely from an elongated soft palate?

My 4 year old pug has can only breath with her head up is this most likely from an elongated soft palate?

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1299508454QUESTION: My 4 year old pug has can only breath with her head up is this most likely from an elongated soft palate? I adopted 2 pugs in the spring. They are 4 years old one of them has a much more smooshed in face.   She seems to only really be able to comfortably breathe with her head up. as if shes somewhat looking up all the time Is this probably from an elongated soft palate or something else?

ANSWER: A lot of pugs do have issues with their soft palate obstructing breathing so that could well be at least part of the problem.  If she is having difficulty breathing she should see a vet.  Surgery to shorten the soft palate can help a lot and is usually relatively affordable under $1000 most places.  They may also recommend surgery to correct stenotic nares at the same time if her nostrils are also abnormal.

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