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My pug has dark skin after recovering from a wound?

My pug has dark skin after recovering from a wound?

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3108219277_58da63168fQUESTION: My pug has dark skin after recovering from a wound? 6 weeks ago my pug scratched both of his hind legs. There was a red wound of both of his hind legs that he eagerly kicked. Today I noticed the area is dark and some hair is gone. Will his skin heal on his own or what?

ANSWER: Its probably a scar just like humans dogs can get scar the hair might grow back might not the dark skin is fairly common in scars for pugs sometimes it fades back to normal some times it doesn’t, only time will tell. On the other hand if the odd skin spreads or he starts acting like it itches a lot its time to see a vet and get him check for mange and/or other skin infections.

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