For Pug Lovers Around The World

My Pug Is Just So Hyper Are All Pugs Like That?

My Pug Is Just So Hyper Are All Pugs Like That?

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Super_Pug_by_shinji45QUESTION: My Pug Is Just So Hyper Are All Pugs Like That? Okay I have had my Pug 4 lets say about 5-6 months. She is 9 months old right now. But ever since we first got her she is just so hyper. Especially when there are friends or company over. She just jumpssqueals and just gets hyper. As soon as we get home from leaving only 4 like 5 minutes she gets too happy and then hyper? Are all pugs like that? If not How can I fix it?

ANSWER:  Their hyper for a few years. Mine is 4 yr. old now. He’s kind of lazy but still likes his evening romps. Gets excited when people comes but over all he’s real laid back.

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