For Pug Lovers Around The World

How do you housebreak a pug puppy?

QUESTION: How do you housebreak a pug puppy? I was wondering how you housebreak a pug puppy. Do you make it sleep in its …


Q: Are pugs delicate? Are they hard to take care of? Any other stuff that’s     important about owning a pug? A: I have two pugs and …

Has anyone ever heard of a pug with an indented chest?
What is the best puppy food for a female pug?
What are the disadvantages of getting a pug?
How much and how often should I feed my pug?
How often does a pug need a c section to give birth?
How long does it take for a pug to mature?
Why are pomeranians dirt cheap in India but pugs are super expensive?
How will my pug handle surgery?
How much for a pug and what do i need to know?
What do i do if my pug still feels like shes got a pup kickin inside her?
How can i get my pugs to smell good?
How can I get rid of her foul breath?
Where can i find information about a pug group in westchester ny?
Is it normal for a Pug to be thin?
How can i get my pugs to smell good?

QUESTION: How can i get my pugs to smell good? ok- My pugs always smell bad mean i bathe them about once or twice …

How do I make my pugs stop running away?

QUESTION: How do I make my pugs stop running away?  I have two pugs and they both run away whenever we open the door …