For Pug Lovers Around The World

Pug Health: Don’t do this before taking your pug to the vet…

Pug Health: Don’t do this before taking your pug to the vet…

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If an irritated or runny eye doesn’t improve within a day, take your dog in for a veterinary exam.


Be sure you don’t clean the eyes before the visit.

The veterinarian needs to see the discharge to get an idea of what’s causing it, if it is a disease and a treatment course.

If you treated the eye with saline solution or some other mixture, be sure to tell the veterinarian what you used.

All the information you can provide is helpful.

Once the problem is diagnosed, your veterinarian will prescribe eye drops or ointments containing antibiotics or anti-inflammatories.


Keep your pug as healthy as can be (Click Here)…

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