For Pug Lovers Around The World

Scared my pug is going to over heat because I live in Florida?

Scared my pug is going to over heat because I live in Florida?

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QUESTION: Scared my pug is going to over heat because I live in Florida? I have an 11 week old pug puppy and she is FULL of energy. She is constantly running and playing at it seems like no inside activity will wear her out. I’m afraid to leave her outside for long periods of time. Even 15 minutes scares me. I never leave her by herself but when I take her on walks I can hear her breathing sound different and it scares me to take her out for too long. I wanted to take her to the beach one day for about an hour with my other dog but I decided not too because I felt like she would over heat. Am I being too cautious or what? Can a pug owner please help me?

ANSWER: As long as she has proper shade and tons of water she should be fine. Pugs do well in hot weather as long as they are hydrated and cool.You do have a right to be slightly fearful though Pugs do have flat faces which makes respiration hard for them which could means if she was somewhere in a hot area she couldn’t as easily aspirate and pant to cool herself off as your average dog. All in all she should do fine as long as she has an area to cool off and water to drink.

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