For Pug Lovers Around The World

Social media page surprises woman with 21K followers

Social media page surprises woman with 21K followers

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CRESTVIEW — When Drew Forehand looks at the account for his mother’s four pugs he can’t believe his eyes.

More than 21,000 followers, it says.

“I would have never thought that they would be that popular,” the 23-year-old said. “They definitely have more followers than me.”

Rise to fame

It all started last December when Drew’s mother, Amy, shot a brief video of Taz, Bitsy, Gup and Caesar wearing party hats for her birthday. She posted the clip on an account she named “Four Florida Pugs.”

“It got over 8,000 likes and over 6,000 revines,” she said. A revine is when visitors repost the video on their pages.

The birthday video really set if off for the pugs, which range from 10 to 7 years old.

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