For Pug Lovers Around The World

What Did the Blushing Bride Wear?

What Did the Blushing Bride Wear?

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In case you missed this on society page, here’s the gossip on the celebrated Pug Wedding of the Year!


Enter Jasmine and Jasper

Two Pugs in Melbourne, Australia tied the knot this weekend in the name of charity. Jasmine and Jasper, walked down the aisle in a lavish wedding ceremony to raise money for the charity, Pug Rescue and Adoption Victoria. The event was scheduled to shed light on the charity and garner donations from attendees. Via

So what does a sophisticated Pug like Jasmine wear on her wedding day?  A wedding gown of course!

There were 60 dogs and 350 individuals in attendance as the pug couple of seven years exchanged marital collars. The blushing bride Jasmine was wearing a$2000 wedding dress designed by Australian Craig Braybrook. While, Jasper was also a sight for sore eyes, donning a custom suit designed by Melbourne designer Godwin Hili. Via

Evidently the event was considered a huge success and was completely sold out!  Well how could it not be with an adorable couple like Jasmine and Jasper taking center stage!

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