For Pug Lovers Around The World

What is the difference between a girl pug and a boy pug and a black pug and a fawn pug?

What is the difference between a girl pug and a boy pug and a black pug and a fawn pug?

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pair_kissing2-smallQUESTION: What is the difference between a girl pug and a boy pug and a black pug and a fawn pug? When I say differences I mean in temperament and please only people who have experience with pugs.

ANSWER:  there’s really no difference between them they’re all spoiled. Really all in how old they they are and the owner. After all all dog are formed from the behavior of their owners. But BEWARE pug are a high-maintance dog requiring a lot of special attention. They are a great companion for anyone especially children. They are very intelligent if trained in the right way. I love my pug. He is a fawn and is just like a little brother to me. Hes very smart and EXTREMELY SPOILED!!

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