For Pug Lovers Around The World

What is the name of a bedtime story featuring big pug dogs?

What is the name of a bedtime story featuring big pug dogs?

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CLASSICS_CLIJ_540_TinderBox_001.480x480-75QUESTION: What is the name of a bedtime story featuring big pug dogs? I remember that it was about some hidden treasure or something and there were three big pugs with huge eyes guarding it. It’s like a short bedtime story by an author like Anderson or the Brothers Grimm. Please help!:sorry it’s not by Wiles :/but thanks for your help.It’s by an author that is very likely to be dead :Pyesh it’s old haha. I’m guessing from like the Romantic Era or something. Much thanks!! :

ANSWER:  I think it’s probably The Tinder Box by Hans Christian Andersen. Here’s a link to the story so you can check and see.

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