For Pug Lovers Around The World

What should be the max that pugs should run or walk on a daily bases?

What should be the max that pugs should run or walk on a daily bases?

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1237908_591268644269895_555135308_nQUESTION: What should be the max that pugs should run or walk on a daily bases? I live about three blocks away from a running track and i like to jog three miles can i bring my pug with me?  is it good for his health?

ANSWER: Exercise is always good for any breed of dog.  Start out slow and pay careful attention to your dog and when it might be getting fatigued.  As your dog builds endurance you can go for longer periods of time.  As winter approaches this would be the best time of year to start your Pug on an exercise program.  That way when the temps rise next spring and summer your dog will be in the best condition to handle the workouts.  Use caution in the warmer months because many Pugs have pinched nostrils and other problems that create breathing difficulties.  You never want to get him over heated! If he is a young dog under 1 year try to keep him off of the hard surfaces like the sidewalk and roads in fact if you are able to let him jog on the track surface and the grass or dirt ares that would be best.

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