For Pug Lovers Around The World

What to do about a pug noisy dog that is a year old?

What to do about a pug noisy dog that is a year old?

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1385490_604260299637396_183748630_nQUESTION: What to do about a pug noisy dog that is a year old?    My pug noisy dog that is happier what can i do to settle him down please help me i need help!

ANSWER: We have pug dogs!  They are the easiest dog to train I have ever come across.  We have had three over the years and our third pug pal is as much of a joy as the other two.  Getting him or her spayed or neutered will definitely help.  Training in a quiet manner does wonders.  Yelling doesn’t accomplish anything.  Treats are a great tool to use when training and after.  We use Science Diet dog food and treats.I agree with the others.  An obedience class might be the route to go.  Just make sure it’s a good one.  Some trainers are not patient and your pug should not have to put up with that.  Take you pug for long walks……  That helps to burn up his/her energy.  Toys – pug dogs love toys and playing with toys.Anyway Good Luck and ENJOY your Pug!

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