For Pug Lovers Around The World

What will a pug/chihuahua grow up to look like?

What will a pug/chihuahua grow up to look like?

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CHUGlulu1QUESTION: What will a pug/chihuahua grow up to look like? I am considering purchasing a puppy.  The mom is a pug but the dad is a pug/chihuahua mix.  Will the puppy grow up to look like the mom or the dad?

 ANSWER: They are so absolutely adorable that they are beyond words. Our Chug had the best of both breeds. He had the cute face and big eyes of the Pug and was small from the Chihuahua. His face didn’t appear deforemed as do the pugs but he looked like a tiny 9 pound Boxer. Here you go: Since we were Chihuuahua breeders at the time we looked in to developing the Chug as a breed but learned that it takes 21 breeders in as many states and at least 27 years of keeping minute records etc…..Just TOO much to handle.

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