For Pug Lovers Around The World

Why do pugs make these weird noises when sniffing?

Why do pugs make these weird noises when sniffing?

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tumblr_l9smm7lpjV1qdznslo1_500QUESTION: Why do pugs make these weird noises when sniffing? Anytime a pug sniffs you or the ground they make these odd sounding noises like an ‘eh eh eh.’ I’ve never known any dog to do this. Is it just the pugs that do or is it normal for all dogs?

ANSWER: That’s just pugs. Pugs are famous for snorting snoring grunting and all sorts of noises because of the lack of length of their noses.My dog is part pug she has the looks of a mini boxer She always makes strange soundsIt’s part of her charm and people find it adorable.She makes the cutest ‘snarff’ sound when she’s playing and tugging. It’s like a mix between a snort and a snarl. It’s terribly cute. :It’s nothing serious unless you notice your dog is having trouble breathing. Then you need to take it to the vet.

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