For Pug Lovers Around The World

Why doesn’t my younger pug get along with the older pug?

Why doesn’t my younger pug get along with the older pug?

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pug_pictures_2QUESTION: Why doesn’t my younger pug get along with the older pug?  I have two female pugs. My first pug is about two years old and the second pug is four years old. I recently rescued the older pug in May. When I first brought her home my two year old pug didn’t really care she was now living with us and she really wasn’t that interested. My younger pug is now attacking the older pug for no reason. I don’t understand why she is doing this. Is there anyway I can stop my younger pug to not attack the older pug.

ANSWER: I agree with the others that you may be unconsciously giving attention to the new arrival and the younger pug has picked up on that. Pugs need lots of attention from their people. Also pugs are not always good with other pets; they like to be the lone dog to rule the roost. Still I can see why you’d want to keep both of your babies. Could you take special care to give them equal attention and see what happens? When you want to play with one dog pick it up so no biting occurs. Take turns acknowledging each one. If they play well together give them both a treat yes even though the older one behaves you still want to give equal attention. Also you might try separating them when a jealous rivalry occurs. Give each of them one on one time without the other. I hope this helps.

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