QUESTION: Why the difference in price on these pug puppies? I want a small dog and the little pugs are just too cute. I was wondering why I found 2 different named pug puppies one micro 5000 and one just miniature 950. Why the big difference and price and are these different or the same thing?
ANSWER: There is no such thing as a ‘micro’ pug or a ‘mini’ pug. Both are bred by irresponsible Greeders looking to scam gullible people into thinking they’re getting something special. BTW pugs have a lot of health problems. Deliberately-bred runts would have even more.EDIT:From the AKC breed standard: ‘Weight from 14 to 18 pounds dog or bitch desirable.’ . Meaning anything below 14 lbs is UNdesirable. A fault.
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