For Pug Lovers Around The World

Would a pug make a good apartment pet?

Would a pug make a good apartment pet?

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1391513_606722622724497_28859682_nQUESTION: Would a pug make a good apartment pet? I was also looking at beagles? Please help i dont know what to do? I hear that beagles bark a lot. and pugs are sensetive to being outside? I need advice.

ANSWER: I own a wonderful beagle and i live in a fairly small apartment and he does fine. some beagles not all do tend to bark but they can be trained not to. with mine i just gave him a firm ‘no’ when he barked randomly. beagles are very very loyal and loving dogs and do best indoors because they enjoy being around their owners. they also generally don’t get to be very large so even for a smaller apartment they work wonderfully.i don’t have any advice on pugs for you. sorry.

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